Sunday, 8 May 2011

New forms of media publishing

One of the new forms of media publishing is beautiful photographs (taken with SLR with editing) and video editing. Blogs that contain beautiful pictures and has video recordings in it has higher amount of readers.

Editing photograph is no easy task (Source:

Microblogging is a new trend taking place in the world right now (Java et al., 2007), and we must somehow learn about it to not feel left out.

Twitter allows users to blog about small things in real time in a convenient setting. Many politicians have Twitter accounts to update its "followers" on small news feeds. This is a truly powerful tool for leaders to utilize to not loose touch of its supporters.

The new trend that is free connectivity at high speeds never before seen 

With mobile internet and smart phones, text messages and phone calls are becoming extinct. Say hello to Twitter and connectivity that is live time and read by many. 

I think that Microblogging will create massive changes to the world of advertising. There will also be a rise of blogging stars that is influential and hard to stop. More and more new forms of publishing will appear and we do not know for certain how destructive or constructive they can be.

Telco companies will suffer as a result of Microblogging when the public turn to free connectivity that is improving.


Java, A, Finin, T, Song, X & Tseng, B 2007,'Why we Twitter: Understanding Microblogging and Communities', ACM, pp. 1-10.

1 comment:

  1. Provide a new media theory/ concept eg. related to efficiency in marketing/community building & discuss the trend to explain the theory. Provide a structure/ focus to your discussion.
