Sunday, 12 June 2011


As document designers, we should play the role in creating harmony when it comes to blogging. Blogging is a great tool because it can come in different forms, such as humble diary to a powerful tool to move a nation such as blogs owned by politicians. We are lucky because we adopt the Western culture which is the most popular culture and therefore designing for a wider audience becomes possible. This tool can cause lost of identity as more people are inclined to adapt to this culture and cause change to politics, law, finance, trade and etc.

Schirato & Yell (2004) cited that communication is made when we make meaning through something that we do and may come in many forms of communication, for example what we do as a norm can be a form of communication. So we may be blogging as self expression, but this can be misinterpreted and can reach out to a large network of billions of people through the internet, and cause havoc.

With these power and magnitude from blogging that is more powerful than the words of leaders of countries, we as bloggers should blog with sensitivity and planning. Bloggers need to treat blogging like a game of chess where they anticipate the reaction of their thoughts. Some bloggers may choose to persuade with power to gain followers, however under freedom of speech, they should always use conscience to blog sensibly.

With so much heritage that is potentially lost by this second wave of globalization through blogging, we must strive to read more widely and to exercise thinking critically so to not be lost by words of random bloggers.

Schirato, T & Yell, S 2004, Communication and Culture, SAGE Publication, Australia.

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